Kenny's uncle Dave gave us a great opportunity!! He let us use his tickets one night to the Jazz game and we were one row up from the floor. I can't believe how big these guys are!!!
It was so exciting sitting that close to them!!
A really exciting thing that happened was William's was fouled as he went up for a shot in the second half and stumbled into the seats right in front of us. Kenny and I made sure to touch his shoulders and give him 'game pats'!
****Search for the NBA commercial "We love you" on youtube and you will see Kenny and I in it!! They have the shot of Williams :)****
It was a really fun game!! They had a lot of fun half time festivities. One included a miniature bear like the larger bear mascot. It was hilarious and they put on a good show.
Thanks Dave for making this possible, it was such a great night!! They included dinner in it and everything! What a fabulous night =)
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